How is “Time in China” calculated?
- Scenario One: Foreign individuals residing in China for less than 90 days in a tax year (the “90-day Rule”)
- Scenario Two: Foreign Individuals Residing in China for More than 90 Days but Less than One Year (the “One-year Rule”)

- Scenario Three: Foreign individuals residing in China for more than one year but less than five years
A foreign individual who is deemed to have resided in China for more than one year but less than five years must pay IIT for income received from both Chinese and foreign employers for work conducted in China (China-sourced income), and also for income paid by Chinese employers during any temporary absences from the country. Income obtained from foreign employers for work done during a temporary absence is not taxable.
- Scenario Four: Foreign individuals residing in China for more than five years consecutively
If a foreign individual resides in China for one year in the sixth or any following single year, he/she would be considered a resident individual under the IIT Law and therefore liable for IIT on income received globally for that specific tax year; if the individual resides in China for less than one year in the sixth or any following single year, he/she is subject to IIT on only China-sourced income, and the One-year Rule applies.
The five-year threshold will be reset if the individual resides in China for less than 90 days in any single tax year starting from the sixth year, in which case the “90-day Rule” will apply for that tax year. Understanding the “Five-year Rule” is especially important for foreign companies with expats working in China for the long-term as their IIT burden may be significantly reduced if their stay in China is managed properly.
其實好多人都唔係太清楚DTA的安排,除左183 D RULE 之外 (即係一年唔可以留超過183日), 最麻煩係SCENARIO 4, 即係如果持續留在中國超過5年的話, 都係會DEEMED TAXABLE TO IIT
而中國係行緊GLOBAL TAXATION. 即係全球的收入, 包括物業稅同埋其他收入都係會要課稅, 而稅率係40%左右 (睇收入同埋所在地區)
呢個稅不比其他發達國家如加拿大, 英美澳歐等等少
是以2047年前,香港的低稅率及簡單稅制依舊係對國際投資者, 同埋國內投資者係有莫大的吸引力
好可惜, 一國兩制係2047 年係會結束, 而稅制的回歸亦係可以預期
即係收租的租金要上繳40% 俾稅局, 同埋所有香港人的收入係打個6折
如是者, 資產及租金收入, 在新稅制融合下將變得不合理地低, 本身3%的回報可能變左做2%, 或1.5% 左右
至於資產價格方向, 小子就唔太會預測, 因為係30年後的事, 而在銀紙貶值下, 新稅制如果落實, 與其結合的EFFECT下會係點樣令到樓價升跌實在係TOO EARLY TO DEDUCE
但可以肯定一點係,到時外國資產如澳洲樓, 因為都係差唔多稅負, 而在COMMON LAW SYSTEM的保護下, 應該吸引力會比現在有所增加
回覆刪除1. 資產會分俾仔女 !
回覆刪除2. 2047年可能大陸政策會變得低稅都唔定 !
如果大陸低稅率就真係支爆了, 點頂地方債同埋枱底數